CONTACT VOLUNTEER@LOVELITERACYLIFE.ORG if interested in volunteering for the annual food drive. tHANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST!

Approximately 95 percent of the students in the Kansas City, Kansas elementary schools we serve qualify for the free at-school breakfast and lunch program. During the holidays, many of these children face hunger at home without those crucial meals provided at the school.

With the help of generous cash and food donations, as well as hardworking volunteers, we are able to provide these children with healthy food to take home with them over winter break. We are currently able to provide food to the students at Mark Twain Elementary, McKinley Elementary and Quindaro Elementary (over 800 students!) because of generous donations from you and the community.

Food provided includes items such as: rice, pinto beans, canned tuna/chicken, macaroni and cheese, ramen noodles, fruit cups, oatmeal, and granola bars. 

We use this same campaign to gather food for the children over spring break as well.



A little goes a long way!  For only $30, you can provide food for one child for both winter and spring breaks. If you would like to make a monetary donation or sponsor a child for $30, click the donate button below. All donations help to feed children in Kansas City, KS no matter the amount!

Watch below to see how your donations go right to work to bless the lives of these Kansas City students:
